The EU project HYDRAITE is adressing the quality of hydrogen

The HYDRAITE project (Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation), which started beginning of 2018, aims to solve the issue of hydrogen quality for transportation applications with the effort from leading European research institutes together with close contact and cooperation with the European automotive stack manufacturer and the FCH industry. In this project, the effects of contaminants, originating from the hydrogen supply chain, on the fuel cell systems in automotive applications are studied. The hydrogen supply chain and especially the HRS technology will be analyzed as potential sources of (new) impurities.

Kickoff Meeting 2018

The methodology for determining the effect of contaminants in automotive PEMFC system operation will be developed by six leading European research institutes in co-operation with JRC and international partners. Bases of the investigations will be short stacks with anode recycling.

With ZBT, ZSW and NPL three European laboratories will be established, capable of measuring all of the contaminants according to ISO 14687 standards, and provide a strong evidence on the quality and reliability on their result based on interlaboratory comparison. In various sampling campaigns the hydrogen quality at HRS will be monitored and also analzed regarding new impurities beyond the ISO 14687.

Further more information regarding the potential introduction of (new) impurities by HRS technology including maintenance will be gathered. Therefore questionnaires, interview and literature survey regarding HRS components, materials, used (a. o. clean, lubricant) agents, maintenance and service will be conducted and evaluated.

As an outcome, recommendations for the current ISO 14687 standards will be formulated based on the technical data of the impurity concentrations at the HRS, FC contaminant studies under relevant automotive operation conditions, and inter-compared gas analysis.

Further information you find here:

Hydrogen delivery risk assessment and impurity tolerance evaluation
Timing: 01/01/2018 > 31/12/2020
Budget: 3.499.867 €
Funding European Union through FCH JU: Grant agreement 779475

Project partner:

  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (Coordinator)
  • CEA - Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
  • NPL - National Physical Laboratory
  • Powercell AB Sweden
  • Stiftelsen SINTEF
  • ZBT - The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
  • ZSW - Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoffforschung Baden-Württemberg

Stakeholder Advisory Board:

  • Areva H2Gen
  • Daimler
  • Toyota
  • Hydrogenics
  • SAES
  • Shell
  • ITM Power
  • Air Liquide
  • BMW
  • Linde

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