Current barriers to mass implementation of hydrogen in transport arise from European Directive 2014/94/EU and International organization of legal metrology (OIML) recommendations that must be met by all European hydrogen refueling stations (HRS). This project will address these issues and will develop metrology that will enable hydrogen to become a conventional fuel and support the European energy transition. The project will tackle measurement challenges in hydrogen flow metering, hydrogen quality control and hydrogen sampling and fuel cell stack testing.
ZBT is involved in the following activities:
- Inter-laboratory comparison on hydrogen fuel including all contaminants regulated in EN 17124:2018 and ISO 14687:2019.
- Validation of ZBTs sampling equipment Hy-SaM with other international procedures and proposals for harmonization of hydrogen sampling methods with USA and Japan. Good practice guides on hydrogen sampling at HRSs (nozzle) and other locations (e.g. FCEV) to provide input for the revision of ISO 19880-1
- Further development of standard test protocols, including reproducibility study and inter comparison evaluation for automotive fuel cell (FC) stack testing. A good practice guide on the measurement of impact of contaminant on FC stack will be developed.
- Support of the take up of the technology and measurement infrastructure developed in the project to the hydrogen industry including the measurement supply chain (such as hydrogen quality laboratories, instrument manufacturers), standards developing organisations (ISO/TC 197, CEN/CENELEC and IECTC105) and end users (hydrogen fuelling stations, vehicle manufacturers).
Project partners are: NPL, BEV-PTP, Cesame, JV, METAS, NEL, RISE, VTT, Air Liquide, CEA, EMCEL, Empa, ENGIE, ITM, Linde, SINTEF, ZBT & Toyota Motors Europe